Taking the guess work out of Navigation!
Day Skipper theory is a 5 to 6 day course that introduces you to more in depth marine navigation.
Next Day Skipper theory intensive course: Training suspended due to Covid-19 more info on courses still available click here.
Day Skipper evening classes: Dates will be published when we start running the evening school Covid dependant.
Covering topics such as essentials of coastal navigation. charts & publications, safety, tides, buoyage, rule of the road, weather anchoring plus more.
Aims to teach navigation and safety, to become proficient in navigating during day light.
No previous experience required for the Day skipper theory course in Glasgow.
We can also help if you are struggling with the online Day Skipper course. For more information on the RYA Day Skipper theory course click here.
Location? : Meet at our city centre location for registration and theory. 36 Washington Street, Glasgow, G3 8AZ.
Course Info? : Day Skipper Theory courses are run every month but can be run on demand maximum 12 students per course.
Price and Book? : £500 5 day course
This course equips you with enough knowledge to navigate around familiar waters by day. A basic knowledge of lights is also included to introduce you to night cruising.
We are continually updating our courses to take into account developments in technology and the electronic navigation aids now available on most cruising boats.
In conjunction with the UK Hydrographic Office we have developed a chart plotter specifically for use on training courses, giving you a realistic insight into electronic navigation. Use of this plotter is an integral part of our Day Skipper shorebased course.
We have northern and southern hemisphere versions of our training materials. So, no matter where you are in the world, our course can be tailored to you.
The course is taught over 40 hours with two exam papers. It can be covered as a series of short sessions, as an intensive week-long course.